Wild Berry Cake – raw

cashews, almonds, cocoa butter, dates, wild berries, coconut, vanilla, lemon, sweetened with: unfiltered honey / agave bio syrup / syrup dates – made from us / chicory inulin – low glycemic index – good for the diabetics , gluten free, sugar free, lactose free, click on photo for details

  • *Weight

    • 200 lei

    *Sweetened with

    • lei

    *NUTS Allergy

    • lei

    *Decoration text

    • lei
    • lei

    *Greeting Card

    • 10 lei
    • lei


Please place your order according to the following program:

DELIVERY DAY: Monday     – ORDER RECEIVED Friday till 12 :00 
DELIVERY DAY: Tuesday    – ORDER RECEIVED Monday till 12:00
DELIVERY DAY: Wednesday  – ORDER RECEIVED Tuesday till 12:00
DELIVERY DAY: Thursday – ORDER RECEIVED Wednesday till 12:00

DELIVERY DAY: Friday  – ORDER RECEIVED Thursday till 12:00
DELIVERY DAY: Saturday     – ORDER RECEIVED Thursday till 12:00

If you aren’t in the program please call us at the phone number 0726.605.501 and we will solve it, we have all the time cakes on stock. 🙂

CUSTOM CAKE gluten free, 100 % natural, no thermic preparation, raw vegan cakes, no milk, no sugar added.

The raw cakes are made only from natural ingredients, we are cooking cream by cream and they are staying overnight in the form on the freeze.

No add: sugar, animal ingredients, flour, milk, artificial essences, additives, flavor enhancers, preservatives.

Please note that: Our cakes have to be kept in the freezer, in order to make sure they keep their texture and all the nutrients intact, the expiration date is for 30 days in the freeze and for 3 days in the fridge. Before you eat them, we recommend you to keep them at room temperature minimum 1 -2 hours, before eating – so you can fully enjoy them at their best.

  1. 5 out of 5

    Buna ziua!
    As avea nevoie de tort sambata, 25 februarie la adresa Negustori 26, Local Simbio.
    As avea nevoie de tort pana la ora 17.

  2. 5 out of 5


  3. 1 out of 5

    Tortul nu corespunde conform imaginii prezentate. Dupa ce am facut sesizare, descrierea a fost modificata pe site, fiind adaugat “Tortul de fructe de pădure la 1 kg, nu conține stratul alb din mijloc din cauza gramajului foarte mic al tortului”, exact motivul reclamatiei. Dezamagitor…

    • (verified owner)

      Aceasta informatie referitoare la gramajul torturilor de 1 kg, figureaza de la inceputuri pe site-ul nostru pentru tortul Amoraws, dar si pentru Tortul Pere, banane si ananas,fiind torturi cu caracter special.
      Ne pare rau de incidentul creat, nu a fost intentia noastra de a va vinde altceva decat ce am prezentat in poza.
      Torturile sunt foarte apreciate de catre clientii nostri, de peste 1 an si jumatate de cand existam pe piata , dar in acelasi timp va respectam comentariu pe care toti clientii il vor vedea, drept urmare voi bolda pe site cu rosu informatia pentru a se vedea mai clar.
      Va multumim pentru feedback!

  4. 5 out of 5

    Minunat!! Foarte apreciat de colegi

  5. 5 out of 5

    Foarte bun! A avut succes la gradinita Mulțumim frumos!

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