Thursday Menu

44.00 lei

The Menu of the day is ordered until 16:00 pm

44 lei without dessert / 67 lei with dessert


Cream Mushroom Soup – vegan / gluten free / paper bio container / 330 ml (mushroom, potato, white onion, olive oil, natural condiments, non iodized sea salt)

Cauliflower on oven with Millet & Veggies – vegan / gluten free / 350 g (cauliflower, millet, green onoin, green onion, spinach, inactice yeast, tomato, red bell pepper, cashew, olive oil, natural condiments, non iodized sea salt)

Whole Wheat Bread – vegan / with gluten / 70 g (whole wheat, yeast, olive oil, non-iodized sea salt)

or gluten free option

Onion & Olive Crackers Bread – raw / gluten free / 50 g (white onion, millet, black olive, hemp seed, flaxseed, natural condiments, non-iodized sea salt)

Chocolate, Vanilla and Caramel Cake – raw / gluten free / 110 g (peanuts, cocoa butter, alkaline cocoa, guarana, mesquite, cashews, almonds, orange, vanilla, coconut flakes, unfiltered honey)

    • 7 lei Lei
    • 23 lei Lei

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